BRB – Banco de Brasília
BRB – Banco de Brasília

Banco de Brasília S.A. – BRB was created in 1964. With its creation, it was intended to provide the Government of the Federal District – GDF with a financial agent that would make it possible to raise the necessary resources for the development of the region.

In 1986, the name of Banco Regional de Brasília S.A. was changed to Banco de Brasília S.A., although the initials BRB remained. In 1991, it became a multiple-service bank with the following portfolios: commercial, foreign exchange, development and real estate.

Organized in the form of a publicly traded mixed capital company, whose majority shareholder is the Government of the Federal District (71.92%), BRB is a financial institution operating throughout the Federal District and regions of influence, also having service points in six other Brazilian states: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás and Minas Gerais.

The BRB Conglomerate comprises the directly and indirectly controlled companies: BRB – Crédito, Financiamento e Investimento S.A. (Financeira BRB); BRB – Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. (BRB – DTVM); BRB S.A. card; BRB – Administradora e Corretora de Seguros S.A. (BrB Insurance Broker); and BRB Serviços S.A. (BRB Serviços).

In addition, BRB has, among its sponsored companies, Regius (Pension Fund for BRB Employees) and Saúde BRB.
